Internet and society: 676,9 million websites were operating by early April
Netcraft web monitoring company has published the April report on the number of websites, operating on the Internet as of April 1. According to Netcraft, in April, there were 676,919,707 websites and blogs in the net, which is 32.6 million, or 5.1% more than a month before.
Apache has showed the most significant growth among software web servers, with another 22.8 million of hosts served, rising its market share to 65.5%. The second largest growth demonstrated Nginx, whose general host base has grown up to 70 million, which is 4.5 million more than the previous month.
According to Netcraft the new operating system Windows Server 8, released last month for public beta testing, has found almost no practical use, with only 278 sites working on its basis.