Society and culture: Theoretical and Practical Conference on Museum Pedagogy in Petrozavodsk

5 April 2012

April 4-6, 2012 in Petrozavodsk (Karelia) is held the IX Republican Theoretical & Practical Conference on Museum Pedagogy.

The organizers of the conference are: Children's Museum Center of the "Kizhi" Museum-Preserve and the Institute for Advanced Training of Educationalists of the Republic of Karelia. Since 1995, similar conferences have been organized by Children's Museum Center every two years.

The 2012 conference theme is "Planning Activities in the Museum & Education Field." The main issues that are the focus of the conference: "What is the difference between museum and socio-cultural planning", "Does a museum need socio-cultural projects," "When we call a project successful," "What can be learned from a failed project."

The conference subject is relevant both for the employees of cultural institutions, and for teachers representing educational system. The conference is attended by over 80 participants from Petrozavodsk and Karelia: museum staff, teachers of primary and secondary educational institutions, IPKRO experts.

Within the conference, there is held an exhibition of information and methodical materials, "Social and cultural Museum and Educational Projects by the Children's Museum Center of "Kizhi"; exhibition of museum and educational activities and programs of the IV Republican Festival "Heritage to Children."

The conference will end with a round table on topical issues of interaction between museums and educational institutions in a joint socio-cultural and museum education projects, which will summarize the current situation in this area and will outline new prospects for cooperation.