Internet resources: Internet Explorer has strengthened its position

3 April 2012
Source: CNews

In March 2012 Internet Explorer from Microsoft managed to stop a long period of decline in popularity, and enlarge its global market share by 1%. Competitors of IE, at the same time, have lost the audience.

According to Net Applications’ new study of web browsers’ popularity around the world, Internet Explorer, which, in the past few years, has been steadily giving up audience to its competitors, in March 2012, succeeded to strengthen somewhat its position.

Thus, in March 2012, the global share of IE at browsers’ market reached at once 53.8% against 52.8% in February, report analysts of Net Applicaitons.

At the same time, the share of Internet Explorer’s major competitors has reduced. Thus, the share of Firefox from the Mozilla decreased from 20.9% in February to 20.6% in March. Chrome’s audience has also dropped down by 0.3% - from 18.9% to 18.6%. The share of Safari fell to 5.1% against 5.2% a month earlier. Opera’s rates at the global browser market have fallen too, from 1.7% to 1.6%.

Thus, in March, Internet Explorer managed to push back all its competitors at once, having significantly strengthened the position, analysts say. Recently, for IE9 and the upcoming IE10 versions, Microsoft developers succeeded to dramatically improve the quality of the browser: it is now more functional, with a more convenient interface and more compatible with modern web standards.