Internet and global society: India proposed to UN to create a democratic system of global Internet governance

22 May 2012
Source: TASS Telecom

The international community should create a democratic system of Internet governance at the global level "on the basis of balance of private, commercial and public interests." This proposal was made by India representative, Dilip Sinha, at a meeting of the UN Committee on Science and Technology (UNCSTD).

"The specifics of IT-technologies and their coordinating application obliges all the users, including governments, to maintain their openness, he said. India intends to emphasize the importance of global coordination of efforts to ensure that the Internet remains a free and secure media structure for the entire planet."

According to American experts, India is not the first country to offer the community to agree on the need to create a "global body" to direct the activities of the "world wide web." However, the republic is proposing to create a "democratic system" and the main message is in the first word of the term. The correctness of this conclusion of experts is also proved by the statement of Shivshankar Menon, national security advisor to Indian Prime Minister, who outlined his country's view on the future system of Internet governance. According to him, "until now the proposal to establish an international system disguised efforts to control the global network, or giving it a new look in these or other interests, including ideological ones." "Meanwhile, intergovernmental Internet governance is long overdue, and no one argues it," said Menon.

In this regard, national security adviser to Prime Minister of India was compelled to note that in these circumstances, New Delhi has to create its own system of cyber-security which directly concerns the maintenance of "healthy climate" on the Internet. But in any case, as follows from Menon’s statement, India stands for the "world wide web", which would be an open to all, responsive and transparent structure, which is based on the principles of democracy and acting in the interests of all countries.