Information technology and law: II International Conference “Law in Digital Age” in Moscow

17 May 2012

17-18 May 2012, in Moscow, National Research University "Higher School of Economics", is hosting the II International Conference "Law in Digital Age."

The conference program includes a plenary session and breakup sessions, where the leading Russian experts, statesmen and public figures along with experts from the U.S., France, Germany and Belgium are going to speak.

The following topical issues of law in the information society will be discussed during breakup sessions:

- Legal aspects of the formation of an open e-government (electronic document management in the public sphere, the legislative regulation of public services in electronic form).

- Intellectual property rights in the digital age. The development of copyright in the aspect of information technology, the issue of liability for copyright infringement, protection of databases.

- E-commerce, competition.

- Problems of telecommunication law.

- Information security and protection of personal data (law on the protection of personal data; problems of protection of personal data in different social sectors in the conditions of development of information technology).