To the 67th anniversary of Great Victory: Exhibition “Vitaly Goryaev: Artist and War” in Moscow

17 May 2012

In Moscow at the exhibition hall “New Manege” from 17 to 27 May, 2012 is open an exhibition of graphics and paintings “Vitaly Goryaev: Artist and War”.

At the exhibition, dedicated to the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, is exhibited a military graphics, illustrations to the famous post-war works as well as the paintings of an outstanding master of the Russian Art of the XX century – Vitaly Nikolaevich Goryaev.

In 1941-1942 V. Goryaev worked in “Windows of TASS”. These famous prpaganda posters for the defense of the homeland became very popular with the onset of the Great Patriotic War; they were the heirs of “ROSTA Windows” raising the spirit of the troops of the Red Army back in the Civil War. Then the artist went to the front. In 1942-1945 he was the chief artist of the magazine “Frontline Humor”.

The exhibition includes original unfolding sheets of the “Frontline Humor”, on which satirical articles, poems and prose, sent to the editorial office from the front line, were side by side with essays of K. Simonov and C. Colodar, poems of D. Bedniy, A. Surkov and M. Matusovsky; any publication of a professional writer or gunner amateur was accompanied by lyrical drawings or, on the contrary, by caustic cartoons of V. Goryaev, O. Vereysky, Kukryniksy.

At the exhibition for the first time are displayed military works by Vitaly Goryaev. Also are exhibited his cartoons for the magazine “Crocodile”, the chief artist of which he was for many years, his famous illustrations of the first post-war years.

Also are presented illustrations by V. Goryaev to the humorous tales and stories of American classics such as O. Henry and Mark Twain.