Internet and society: III Russian Internet Governance Forum in Moscow

14 May 2012
Source: RIGF

Third Russian Internet Governance Forum, hosted by Coordination Center for TLD RU and supported by The Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Russian Federation, will take place on May 14, 2012, in Russia, Moscow, as a part of Sviaz-Expocomm 2012 International Exhibition. This year, the event is dedicated to Internet and Cybersecurity.

Information security is one of the most urgent problems pointed out by Internet stakeholders like governments, businesses and societies. This, in turn, prompted the following themes to be discussed during the Third Russian Internet Governance Forum: maintaining cybersecurity, dealing with copyright issues, and ways to protect intellectual property.

The Forum is held annually, and saw its second opening in 2011. In 2010, Russian Internet Governance Forum was a first global domain industry event to be held in Russia and Eastern Europe, becoming a part of regionally held IGFs and gathering over 700 attendees from Russia and worldwide. In 2011, the Forum gathered over 500 attendees, including 100 participants from abroad, putting together governments, businesses and large international organizations. Challenges and problems of Internet governance were widely discussed in blogs, at public meetings and in government structures.