Culture and society: Exhibition “Romantics of Realism. Moscow painters” in Moscow.

10 May 2012

From May 3 until May 20, 2012 the Moscow Union of Аrtists is hosting the exhibition “Romantics of Realism. Moscow painters” featuring 150 paintings by modern artists of the romantic realism from the “Art Prima” Gallery collection as well as private collections. The exhibitors are well-known Moscow artists.

“Romantics of Realism” is a unique large-scale exhibition project that returns romantic realism to a cultural space of modern Russia and it is also a national trend in domestic art which has more than a century history. The work of romantics of realism is notable for bright features typical for the Russian perception: emotionality and responsiveness, openness and receptivity, love for their native land and the desire for perfection.

Romantic realism was conceived in Moscow in the circle of painters who are close to A. K. Savrasov and who are associated with the Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture; it was developed in the work of the “painting wing” of “The Union of Russian Artists” and in the 20th century most fully revealed in the “Moscow school”. The style and genre diversity, that characterizes this field of painting, does not separate but on the contrary unites romantics of realism with the common desire to realize the beauty of the universe in colors.

“There are many styles of paintings”, said A. K. Savrasov to his disciples, - but it is not the style, but the ability to see the beauty that is most important”.