Information technology and history: Electronic Memory Book at the National Museum of Udmurt Republic

9 May 2012

On the eve of Victory Day, in the hall of the exhibition "The Great Patriotic War… 1942" at the Kuzebay Gerd National Museum of the Udmurt Republic has been installed an information kiosk with an electronic database about people born in Udmurtia, who died in battle, died of wounds, missing in the Great Patriotic War of 1941 -1945.

Now, all visitors to the museum will not only have an opportunity to see the printed edition of the Book of Memory, but also its electronic version.

This project is a tribute to the heroism and courage of the soldiers of the Udmurt Republic. Nearly 300,000 people were called to the army from the Udmurt Republic, more than 40 military units were formed. In the four years of war the republic had lost 144 558 people (58.7% of the total number recruited into the army). The inhabitants of Udmurtia fought on all fronts, in all the armed forces, participated in all the key battles. About 70,000 people were awarded orders and medals of the Soviet Union. 100 people were awarded the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

The project will continue. In the future, the database will be supplemented by the following sections:

- Awards of the USSR - the list of military decorations and medals awarded to soldiers and officers of the Soviet Army during the Great Patriotic War, as well as lists of the inhabitants of Udmurtia, honored with the awards.

- Holders of the Orders (information about the inhabitants of Udmurtia) of the Heroes of the Soviet Union, Holders of the Order of Glory, as well as holders of other military decorations.

- Military units - a list of military units formed in the Udmurt Republic on the eve of and during the war, military educational institutions, stationed in the territory of the republic.

Ordinary victories - the materials of war veterans that are stored in the museum.