Internet and Society: By early May operated 662, 9 millions of websites

3 May 2012

Web monitoring company Netcraft has published a report on the number of websites and blogs, recorded on the Web as of May 1, 2012. According to Netcraft, by May in the Internet worked 662 959 946 million of websites, that is 14 million less than a month before. The authors of the report say they are observing a decrease of the number of sites for the first time for 22 months.

The fall was the result of the fact that almost 28 million of hostnames in area .info zone, hosted on the servers of the company Softlayer on 100 domains and 4 ip-addresses were removed. Nevertheless, the number of new domains on the Web has increased over the month by 1.2 million.

The web server Nginx has been growing its base for consecutive 9th month and at the end of April it has increased its base for another 894 000 hosts, bringing its base to 5, 48% twice last year’s figures. Apache has lost 17.5 million of host during last month, but it is still the leader in the market by far.

Besides, Netcraft notes that in April Company recorded first 339 of servers, supporting experimental protocol SPDY for faster loading of sites. Today, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Apache, Jetty and internal Google support SPDY. It is expected that within a few weeks Ngnix will support SPDY as well.