Memory of Russia: Participants of International Readings in Sebezh discussed pages of history of the Patriotic war of 1812

30 June 2012

June 27, international historical and local lore readings “Pages of History of the Patriotic war of 1812 of border regions of Russia, Latvia, and Belarus” opened in Sebezh.

Representatives of the Administration of the Sebezh district, the State Committee for Culture of the Pskov region, the Pskov Museum Reserve, the Archaeological Center of the Pskov region, the school museum' of the glory of Klyastitsy high school n. a. V. A. Homchenovsky, Rossony of the region (Belarus), the Ludza local lore Museum (Latvia), the Pskov State University, the Volynetskogo Museum of  I. D. Chersky of the Verkhnedvinsk region (Belarus), the Pustoshkinsky History Museum, the Russian Geographical Society, “Heritage of Wrangel” (Saint-Petersburg), the Sebezh local lore museum were among the participants.

In the framework of the readings there were presented: a virtual tour of the exhibition about the Patriotic War of 1812 in the school museum of glory of Klyastitsy high school n. a. V. A. Homchenovsky, Rossony district, the presentation of the exhibition devoted to the Y. P.  Kulnev “Hero, serving the fatherland, never dies and is resurrected in the posterity”, and also the speeches on the "Modern historiography of the initial stage of the War of 1812", "Pskov nobles in the war of 1812", “Rossonschina in 1812: events, fate, memory”, “Fight for Svolno"," Pskov-participants in the war in 1812 "and other were delivered.

The participants paid a great attention to the presentation of the employee of the Pskov Museum Reserve, author of the book “Pskov citizens - participants of the war in 1812”, Lyudmila Makeyenko.

December 28, 2007 a Decree by the President of the Russian Federation "On celebrating the 200th anniversary of Russia's victory in the war of 1812” was signed. In the territory of the Pskov region, the neighboring countries of Belarus and Latvia, there are places associated with the names of participants in the fighting and battles of the Patriotic War of 1812.