Internet resources: A single website of the budget system to be created in the Russian Federation
Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed creating of a single website of the budget system in Russia. The information will come to the website in real time.
"In the future, I propose creating a single website of the budget system of the Russian Federation, in order to provide the necessary information to all interested users in real time. It should be a website, which covers the whole Russia, all regions and all spending units. Information should be presented in a single format, the most convenient and easy to analyze. It should be made possible to trace each unit (region, municipality or private organization) in respect of the sum of money it receives from all budget sources and how effectively the funds are expended. The website should be available to the public and it should provide to citizens the opportunity to participate in the management of the budget process”, says the head of the state in his budget message, which was posted on the Kremlin Web site on June 28.