Information technology and power: Third annual conference “State Services: E-government” in Moscow

28 June 2012

June 28, 2018 in Moscow takes place the third annual conference “State Services: E-government”.

The state program “Information Society” is designed to bring Russia into the first twenty countries in terms of e-government services. It is planned to create a national program and cloud platform, a payment system, as well as a variety of other electronic services of federal significance.

The conference provides a unique opportunity for interested companies to get the most detailed and current information about the needs and priorities of the state apparatus in the field of IT, and it also allows you to discuss the prospects of the business cooperation, associated with the use of modern information systems.

Topics for discussion at the conference are:

- Priorities of the state in developing of the information society.

- Stage of readiness for the launch of the system of interdepartmental electronic document management system.

- General trends and problems of introduction of electronic services in the regions.

 - Realized projects of a “single window”. Best Practices.

- Federal Law “On federal contract system”. How will the accounting systems change?

- Successful western experience of the use of cloud applications.