Museums: Exposition “The Earthy life of the Mother of God” in Saint-Peterbsurg

28 June 2012

June 28, 2012 the State Museum of the History of Religion (Saint-Petersburg) opens an exhibition “The Earthy life of the Mother of God”.

The Mother of God – the Virgin Mary – is one of the most respected figures in the Eastern as well as the Western Christianity.

The image of the Virgin Mary, scenes from her life, and miracles performed by her are reflected in the icons and paintings, graphics and sculpture, monumental painting, art enamel, embroidery, copper casting, stone carving and wood carving, ceramics. Some of these images are venerated as miraculous.

The exhibition of the State Museum of the History of Religion presents about 150 works - Russian icons, as well as paintings, prints and sculpture by Russian and Western European artists of XVI-XX centuries, works of decorative arts (liturgical utensils, religious souvenirs, fabrics). They illustrate the earthy life of the Virgin Mary, from her Nativity to the Assumption, and also tell about the features of her worship in various Christian denominations.