Monuments of book culture: Krypetsky Monastery books to be registered by the state
A specialist of the Centre for work with rare and valuable documents of the Pskov regional scientific library has visited the library of St. John the Theologian, Sawa Krypetsky Monastery.
This study and consultative visit was held in the framework of the preparation for a large-scale joint work of the specialists of the Center and the library of the monastery on attribution, description and preservation of rare books, which can rightly be attributed to the «Golden Fund» of Russia.
In the monastery it is formed a unique book Fund, much part of which is received from the monastic library as a gift from the Governor of St. John the Theologian, Sawa Krypetsky Monastery Archimandrite Damascene (born I. E. Sakhnyuk), revived the monastery, from his personal book collection.
Last year, between the Center for work with rare and valuable documents POUNB and St. John the Theologian, Sawa Krypetsky Monastery was signed an agreement on cooperation in the identification and preservation of rare books in the National program for the conservation of library collections of the Russian Federation.