Peoples of Russia: A large-scale exhibition project “Caucasian Dictionary: Land and People” in Tsaritsyno

20 June 2012

June 20, 2012 at the Grand Palace of the Museum Reserve «Tsaritsyno» opens a large-scale exhibition project «Caucasian Dictionary: Land and People».

The exhibition includes more than 1400 items from 17 state cultural institutions, private collections and artists’ workshops. Among them are the largest museums of Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, and Makhachkala. The exhibition is impressive not only by geography of the exhibits; the authors of the project managed to present a historical profile of development of culture of peoples living in this region.

The featured exhibits: photographs, works of art (paintings, graphics, sculpture), the portrait gallery of the figures of the Caucasus, objects of decorative-applied art - show a deep interest of the general public for the diverse culture of the Caucasus, the people's customs and way of life, nature.

Also at the exhibition you can find manuscripts, books, memorial objects bearing a mark of time.

By the expanse of the presented material the project should become the milestone in the revival of cultural relations in the post-Soviet states.