Information technology abroad: Sequoia supercomputer recognized the world’s most powerful

19 June 2012

According to the ranking on the project’s site Top500, American supercomputer Sequoia, installed at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, became the world’s most powerful one with a performance of 16, 32 pet flops (quadrillion of operations per second), returning leadership in this area to the USA.

The world’s most powerful supercomputer uses more than 1, 57 million processor cores and 1, 6 pet bytes of memory. A computing complex occupies the area of ​​about 420 square meters. Among other things, Sequoia became one of the most energy-efficient supercomputers.

The most fast-acting supercomputer in Russia – “Lomonosov”, located at the Moscow State University - took the 22th place with a maximum performance of 0, 9 pet flops.