International organizations: Challenges in Cyberspace to be discussed at traditional Potsdam Russian-German meetings

18 June 2012
Source: TASS-Telecom

Challengse in Cyberspace will be discussed at the traditional Russian-German "Potsdam meetings" which opened on June 18, 2012 in the administrative center of Brandenburg.

During the two-day meeting, which is presided by the well-known German NGO "German-Russian Forum" (GRF), politicians, scientists, cultural figures and representatives of civil society of both countries, will discuss issues of copyright protection, ethical, social and other issues related to the development of the Internet. The conference is held under the patronage of German President Joachim Gauck and the powers of the federal state of Brandenburg.

The German-Russian Forum is a community initiative, which aims to promote the development of bilateral relations. Its members are well-known politicians, economists, scientists and artists, and journalists. The activities of GnRH, which organizes conferences, debates, art competitions and other activities are extremely varied and are shown the importance of the German-Russian partnership of all sectors of society.