Exhibitions: “The Secret War of 1812. To the 200th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812 and Russian military intelligence” in Saint-Petersburg
June 16, 2012 in the State Museum of Political History of Russia (Saint-Petersburg) opened the exhibition “The Secret War of 1812. To the 200th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812 and the Russian military intelligence”.
In 2012 is celebrated the 200th anniversary of one of the most significant on the consequence of events in the Russian history – the War of 1812. The bicentennial anniversary is celebrated by the Russian military intelligence, which centralized structure was first created on the eve of the War of 1812 on the initiative of Minister of War Michael Andreas Barclay de Tolly.
The functioning of the intelligence in the War of 1812 refers to the little-studied subjects of the Russian military history, and has never been the subject of the museum display. However, the intelligence activity is very interesting and very important part of the military history, full of secrets and "forgotten tales".
The exhibition includes materials about the organization and activities of the intelligence, the role of a centralized Russian military intelligence in winning the victory over Napoleon's army, the activities of Russian and French intelligence.