Exhibition: Exposition “Treasures of the private collection in Tsarskoye Selo”
The State Museum Reserve “Tsarskoye Selo” (in Zubovsky wing of the Catherine Palace) opened an exhibition “Treasures of the private collection in Tsarskoye Selo”. For the first time in the Museum space is presented collection of the family Karisalovy. Among more than 200 exhibits are many of the true masterpieces, never exhibited before for the general public.
The Saint-Petersburg collection, assembled of more than two decades by the family Karisalovy and presented in the Museum Reserve “Tsarskoye Selo”, is affected by the scale coverage of the material and the quality of separate items. It combines the expressive portrait painting, full of masterly bronze, elegant furniture and carved bone of rare beauty made by Kholmogory masters. This collection has fine examples of paintings, furniture, decorative bonze, art porcelain and glass, illustrating the achievements of the Russian arts and crafts throughout of the XVIII-XIX centuries.