Russian culture abroad: The Festival of Russian Culture “Our Heritage” in New York

12 June 2012

In New York 1 to 30 June, 2012 takes place the Annual Festival of Russian Culture “Our Heritage”. The Russian American Foundation holds it for the tenth time.

“New York has been a centre of Russian culture in the USA for a long time. Almost 400 000 Russian-speaking Americans call the city their homeland. For the past ten years the Festival “Our Heritage” provides a wonderful opportunity to pay tribute to the rich history and heritage of Russia”, - said the New York city mayor Michael Bloomberg.

“In the framework of the Festival “Our Heritage” are held various exhibitions – including two ethnographic as well as theatre, music and dance performances. Besides, there will be held Days of Memory of Andrei Tarkovsky – a multimedia project, devoted to the 80th anniversary of the great film director”, - said the President of the Russian American Foundation Marina Kovalyova.

She noted that Russian-speaking residents play an integral role in the cultural, economic and social life of New York, and the festival “helps them to preserve its heritage, culture and language”.