Memory of Russia abroad: Museum, devoted to the campaign of Alexander Suvorov, opened in Switzerland

11 June 2012

June 2, 2012 in Lintal, Canton of Glarus, Switzerland opened a museum, dedicated to one of the most brilliant pages in the history of this region - the Swiss campaign of Field Marshal Alexander Suvorov.

It is featuring a lot of material evidences of the movement of the Russian Army (21,000 men) under the command of the invincible Field Marshal - bayonets of Three Army soldiers - Suvorov, Austrian and French, pistols, swords, cannon balls and grapeshot as well as stamps, coins, engravings, paintings and souvenirs.

“In the cantons of Uri, Schwyz, Glarus and Ticino, through which the Russian troop passed, familiarity with the Alpine campaign of Suvorov includes to a program on the history of the native land. In general, the campaign of Suvorov for the Swiss people is not a white spot in history, it is as a reason for the interest and pride", - says the owner of the museum Walter Geler.