Internet resources: Yandex completed beta stage of Yandex.Translation service development

8 June 2012
Source: TASS Telecom

The largest Russian search engine Yandex has completed the beta phase of development of "Yandex.Perevod" (Translation), launched in March last year. The service is now fully functional, open API (application programming interface) has been published and become available to external developers.

Previously, the system supported only English and Ukrainian languages, and now it also supports Polish, Turkish and German. Infrastructure of the service has become more resistant to load, new features and new interface transfer solutions have been integrated," the company’s report states. Among the innovations: simultaneous interpretation, type assistant, two-window mode of view the translation of Web pages, two-way English-Russian dictionary.

"The completion of the beta period does not mean we have achieved the ideal state and will stop developing the service. Developers understand that the quality of machine translation is far from perfect," noted the company’s representatives.