Russian History: International conference “The time of troubles in Russia in the early XVII century: Searching a Way Out” in Yaroslavl

6 June 2012

June 6-9, 2012 in Yaroslavl State Historical and Architectural Art Museum-Reserve is held the International Conference "The Time of Troubles in Russia in the early XVII century: Searching a Way Out. To the 400th anniversary of “Zemsky Sobor" (Assembly of the Land) in Yaroslavl”.

The Conference is dedicated to the historical role of Yaroslavl in the events of the Time of Troubles (a period of the Civil war, the collapse of the state, the invasion of foreign forces), people and events of the era.

The conference  consists of three sections:

Section 1. The state militia of Kuzma Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky: Nizhny-Novgorod-Yaroslavl-Moscow.

Section 2. People and events of the Time of Troubles.

Section 3. Troubles in the historical memory.