Memory of Russia: Monument to the founder of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society to be inaugurated in Moscow
A monument to Vassiliy Khitrovo, one of the founders of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society, scholar, writer and defender of Christianity to open in Moscow. The inauguration is scheduled for 3 June.
Vasily N. Khitrovo had made an invaluable contribution to preserving the great Orthodox heritage and the spread of Russian culture abroad, commented the upcoming event prefect of the Central Administrative District of the capital, the chairman of the Moscow branch of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society, Sergei Baidakov. - Today the Orthodox Palestine Society, the idea of creation of which belongs to Vassiliy Khitrovo, is experiencing a rebirth. It conducts an active educational work with young people, organizes exhibitions, publishes books."
The Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society, headed by the Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, was founded in 1872 on the initiative of Khitrovo. The main purpose of the organization was to assist Russian pilgrims and strengthen Orthodoxy in the Middle East.