Russian museums: Konstantin Paustovsky Memorial House opened in Tarusa

3 June 2012

As part of the literary festival, dedicated to the 120th anniversary of Konstantin Paustovsky, May 31, 2012 in Tarusa (Kaluga region) officially opened the memorial house-museum of the writer.

- We have recreated the study, where Paustovsky worked, told the adopted daughter of the writer, literary critic Galina Arbuzova. She lived in this house and maintained it all these years since the death of Konstantin Georgievich.

All exhibits, including a desk, a typewriter, books and other items, are original. All of them belonged to the writer.

Paustovsky’s house-museum will be a branch of the Paustovsky Museum in Moscow, said the center's director Valentina Pimneva, who participated in a literary festival and the opening ceremony. The writer’s house in Tarusa has been given by Galina Arbuzova to federal ownership.