Information technology and society: Study of the world virtualization market is published

2 June 2012

The "Kaspersky Lab" published a study of the global virtualization market that determines the main trends and characteristics related to the protection of virtual environment, as well as market forecast up to 2014. The study was conducted by analytical company IDC. According to the obtained information, the virtualization is used today in most of the run-up servers, and in two years the number of virtual machines will reach 18 million, doubling the number of physical devices. Moreover, it is expected that by 2013 over two-thirds of all the services and applications will operate in virtual environment.

Experts are inclined to explain this rapid evolution of the virtualization, first of all, through the advantages of this technology. Evaluating them on the merit, more than 75% of the companies which use virtualization consider this direction to be a priority in the development of the IT-infrastructure.

As the IDC say, despite the widespread virtualization, the protection of virtual environments has not yet become the norm for companies. "Due to the many benefits of virtualization the security issues are often sidelined - says Timur Farukshin, Consulting Director of IDC in Russia and CIS. - Besides, customers often do not have a clear idea of how to provide such security. Specialized technologies to protect virtual environments are relatively recent, and many are still unaware of their presence or the shortcomings of legacy security models".