History of Russia: In Yugra found one of the first Old Russian settlements

31 July 2012
Source: Vesti.Ru

In Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug the archaeologists found one of the first Old Russian settlements on this territory. All the graves belong to the era of Ivan the Terrible. Due to the cold climate everything is well preserved – even the clothing was fully restored.

At 150 square meters it was managed to detect 23 graves. It is already well established that people lived here during the time of Ivan the Terrible. While this is the first and the only well-preserved archaeological monument, found in Yugra. Scientists suggest that there was a village of Old Believers.

Many items have already been sent to scientists for further study. In the near future due to well-preserved clothing and household items it will be able to determine how settlers appeared. On many wall crosses, for example, there are stamps of masters of Arkhangelsk and Smolensk.

The excavation works in Gornopravdinsk the following year will be continued.