Information technologies and society: Consumers will spend about 2, 1 trillions of dollars on mobile technologies by 2016

29 July 2012

By 2016, according to the forecast of analytical company Gartner, worldwide consumers will spend about 2, 1 trillions of dollars on mobile technology, in particular, for the purchase of mobile phones, tablets, smart phones, as well as the content for them. There are all prerequisites for a strong growth of mobile technology over the next few years, as Gartner notes.

Amanda Sambia, Gartner analyst, says that by 2016 is predicting a very significant increase of financial performances of application directories (the so called app stores) and application content for mobile platforms, such as e-books, directories, news reels and others.

Gartner predicts that by the end of 2016 the market of mobile services will take about 37% or 800 million dollars in monetary terms, but after 2016 it will exceed $1 trillion dollars.