Information technology and libraries: Automatic book lending and return launched in the Novosibirsk Regional Library

25 July 2012

Patrons of the Novosibirsk State Regional Scientific Library can now borrow books without help of a librarian. This was made possible thanks to the launch of the auto lend and return of books.

However, for now, the automatic lending of books operates only in test mode in the department of urban lending, but by the beginning of the school year it will work in full.

With the new equipment, readers will order books by themselves: every book has a special electronic tag, which transmits information to the station. In order to get new books, one will only have to place the selected publications in the scanner. There is a possibility to scan several books at a time, which greatly speeds up the process of lending: it is now no need for a reader to address a librarian for the registration of the literature that he has chosen.

Also, thanks to the new complex, reader can now prolong books that he is reading all by himself.

The launch of this complex, noted the deputy director of the Novosibirsk State Regional Scientific Library, Vyacheslav Dashchenko, is just one of the few steps we are taking towards the modernization of the library. In the future, everyone who wishes to register, will be able to book a library card through our website and then get it, simply by presenting his passport. The next step is the opportunity to order books of interest through the electronic catalog, thereby reducing the time for search of books in various departments of the library: All publications will be awaiting the reader in a specific location. Thus, the time spent for getting access to information of interest, will be significantly reduced."

Introduction of the automatic lending and return of books was made possible by support from the Ministry of Culture of the Novosibirsk Region, the funds were allocated from the budget of the Novosibirsk region.