Russian museums: Museums of the last Russian tsar to open in the Tyumen Region

23 July 2012

Timed to the 400th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty, two comprehensive museums devoted to the life and exile of the last Russian Tsar will open in the Tyumen Region. In Tobolsk, the museum will be located in the Governor's house, where, from August 1917 to April 1918 the family of the last Russian emperor had lived in exile. Today this building is housing the administration of the Tobolsk district, and only one room is allocated for the museum of Nicholas II.

Project documentation, which provides for the restoration of historical interiors of the house, is ready. Around the historic building it is planned to reconstruct the memorial area including the Parade Square and the Alexander Chapel in the garden of the same name, through which the exiled imperial family went to the Annunciation Church.

In Tyumen, the museum will be housed in a two-story house on Gosparovskaya Street, where for more than 10 years the exposure, "Tsarist Harbor" has been on display and the worship cross raised. From this wharf the Romanov family, who arrived in Tyumen by train, went to the Tobolsk exile.