Memory of Russia: Grand opening of a monument to Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich

19 July 2012

July 19, 2012 at the St Petersburg Sailing Club will take place the grand opening of the monument to Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich Romanov. The author of the monument is Albert Charkin, sculptor, People’s Artist of Russia.

Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich was a trustee of the St Petersburg Sailing Club, founded 125 years ago. The raise of the monument to Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich is a tribute to the historical patron of the St. Petersburg Sailing Club, statesman and a man who sincerely contributed to the development of the national shipping and sailing.  

The whole life of Alexander Mikhailovich Romanov (1866-1933) was related to the fleet. Alexander Mikhailovich spent his youth in sailing trips, having made a 3-year voyage around the world, traveled to India and America. Later, he personally patronized many Russian sailing societies. Admiral, Adjutant General, he served on the Black Sea Fleet and the Baltic Fleet, headed the General Directorate of Merchant Shipping and Ports, was chairman of the Special Committee for strengthening the fleet through voluntary donations, during the World War I was in charge of a unit of aviation in the regular army.

St. Petersburg Sailing Club occupies a unique historical and cultural area of the city, which is associated with the best period and traditions of the Russian sailing sport. It was here, on Krestovsky Island, on the right bank of the River Neva Malaya that was based one of the most prestigious sailing community of St. Petersburg of the late 19th century. In 2009, the yacht club, lost in the Soviet period, was revived.

Monument to the first patron of the club has been created by Albert Serafimovich Charkin, an outstanding contemporary Russian sculptor. He is the Chairman of the Board of the St. Petersburg Branch of the Russian Union of Artists, People's Artist of Russia, member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Arts, until 2010 - Rector of the I. E. Repin Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. He is also the author of significant monuments of St. Petersburg, including a bust of Peter the Great in the Moscow Railway Station, a bust of Prince Alexander Gorchakov, of Alexander Menshikov, of Valery Chkalov, etc.

Bust of the Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich is the first monument to Alexander Mikhailovich Romanov in Russia and a reminder of his deeds committed in the name of his country.

The opening ceremony will be attended by representatives of the Romanov Family Members Association, the author of the monument, and the general public of St Petersburg.

The opening ceremony will include a performance of the Admiralty Orchestra of the Leningrad Naval Base and a sailing race dedicated to the Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich.

The Club address: 4 a,. South Road, Krestovsky Island, St. Petersburg.

The beginning of the ceremony is at 15:00 pm.

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