Memorable dates of Russia: “Remember, my friends, the glory of Russians!..”: 1812 war in music” Exhibition in Moscow

18 July 2012

July 18, 2012 the Department of printed music and sound recordings (MOH) of the Russian State Library, launches "'Remember, my friends, the glory of Russians!..": 1812 war in music ." It presents the most striking works, created both directly during the war, and decades later. These are the songs, marches, waltzes, operas. On display are vocal compositions based on poems of the poets who fought in battles.

Part of the exhibition is devoted to the musical works for staging, including opera by Boris Yanovsky, "In 1812" by a libretto by the famous art patron, Savva Mamontov. The survived copies of printed music dating to 1812-1813 held among the most valuable editions of the department’s collections, occupy a special place. Printed music is complemented with theme books and articles.