World libraries: Theoretical and practical seminar of the RSL “Prospects for the development of libraries in the 21st century” in Poland - Czech Republic

11 July 2012

July 9-14, 2012 the Russian State Library holds in Poland - Czech Republic (Warsaw - Krakow - Prague) the theoretical and practical seminar "Prospects for the development of libraries in the 21st century". The program combines lectures and workshops, round tables, consultations of highly qualified domestic and foreign experts.

There are the following topics at the meeting:

- Libraries and Modern Technologies in the XXI century.

- Prospects for the development of libraries.

- Creation of an automated technology of users’ service.

- Creation of a single distributed system of library and information funds.

- Preparation and consolidation of the staff

- The problems of managing of a modern library.

- Creation of a single state registration documents.

- Improvement of the system of acquisition.