Culture and Power: The first session of the Museum Parliament near Moscow is held in Melikhovo

11 July 2012

The first session of the Museum Parliament near Moscow is held on July 11, 2012 at the State Literary and Memorial Museum Reserve of Anton Chekhov "Melikhovo." On the agenda is the approval of the regulations on the Museum Parliament near Moscow and the election of the Parliament’s Council.

Among the topics of the discussion are: the expansion of partners for the development of the science and research activity and the work of museums with volunteers.

"The near Moscow Museum parliament is the only of its kind working discussion platform of all the museums in the regions in Russia, regardless of departmental affiliation. The Museum Parliament is a unique tool for promoting the museum's ideology, museum treasures from the perspective of the museum community on various issues. At the same time it is a form of creative communication and exchange of experience"- said the Minister of Culture of the Moscow Region Anton Gubankov.

In particular, with the help of the Parliament, it is planned to implement modern museums’ standards for storage of museum treasures, to improve the staff’s training and working with visitors, to develop innovative projects and inter-museum programs.

The decision to establish the Museum Parliament was taken on June 21 at the meeting of the Minister of Culture of Moscow region with the heads of provincial and municipal museums. The Idea was supported by the head of the Union of Russian museums, the director of the State Hermitage Museum Mikhail Piotrovsky.