History and culture: International Historical and cultural forum opened in Khakassia
July 5, in the Republic of Khakassia started the II International forum “Historical and cultural heritage as the recourse for social and cultural development”, whose participants are members of leading research institutions of Russia, museums, foreign historians, the heads of ministries of Russia and the heads of Siberian regions.
Current problems of the state protection, preservation, the use and promotion of the cultural heritage are planned to discuss at the forum. Besides, participants of the forum will consider issues of theatrical activity, formation of cultural and historical heritage and the image of the region.
The heads and representatives of Mid-Siberian and Baltic offices of the Ministry of Culture, the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Branch of RAS, the president of the Siberian Association of researchers of Primitive art (SAIPI) will take part at the forum.
The forum runs till July 8.