Information technology: Supercomputer of the SUSU became the most energy efficient among other systems in the Russian Federation

4 July 2012
Source: RIA Novosti

The supercomputer “SKIF-Aurora of the SUSU”, installed in the Supercomputer Center of the South Ural State University (South Ural State University) in Chelyabinsk, took in the global rating of the energy-efficient supercomputers the 158th place, becoming the most energy efficient high performance system among others in the Russian Federation, shows a list published on ranking official site Green500 June.

The peak performance of the “SKIF-Aurora SUSU” is 117 teraflops. For comparison: the most productive supercomputers in the world as of this June, is an American supercomputer Sequoia, installed at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Its peak performance is 16.32 petaflops (quadrillion operations per second).

At the present time “SKIF-Aurora SUSU” takes the fourth place in the ranking of the most high-performance computers in the Top50 list of the countries CIS (as at March 2012), as well as the 185 position in the Top500 list of the latest edition of the most powerful supercomputers in the world, published in June 2012. In this case the best result for this computing cluster in the Top500 was the 87th place in June 2011.