History and culture: A unique album “Tsarskoye Selo in old photographs. End of the XIX – beginning of the XX century” is presented

30 August 2012

In the State Museum Reserve “Tsarskoy Selo” is published an album “Tsaskoye Selo in old photographs. End of the XIX – beginning of the XX century”, prepared by researchers of the Museum reserve. As reported at the museum, for the first time one edition contains rare photographs, created a solid image of “summer capital of the Russian Empire”. Some photographs have never been published before.

Photographs from the collection of the State Museum Reserve "Tsarskoye Selo" and the Central State Archive of Film and Photo Documents of Saint-Petersburg show the world of Tsarskoye Selo Imperial residence from 70s of the XIX century to 1917s. Palaces and palatial interiors, park pavilions and monuments, urban mansions, cathedrals and churches, as well as events held in Tsarskoye Selo, are fixed by renowned photographers of the past.

The album includes pictures of the interiors of the Catherine and Alexander Palaces and Agates rooms, executed in 1917 by Andrei Zeest in technique of autochrome.

In the photographs you can see the interiors and pavilions, destroyed during the World War II, which have not been restored yet.

Sections of the album recreate the image of the city and the county Tsarskoye Selo. One of the photos shows the destruction in the Soviet time of unique iconostasis of the church Guards Cuirassier Regiment, made of colored glass. The photo tells of military parades, shows and worship services, the construction of the Imperial railway between Saint-Petersburg and Tsarskoye Selo, the major event in the life of Tsarskoye Selo – the Jubilee Exhibition of Tsarskoye Selo in 1911.

Each section of the book and each image are provided with explanations, basically - excerpts from guidebooks, books and pre-revolutionary publications of Tsarskoye Selo.