Memory of Russia: Exhibition “Great Russian Victories in medal and engraving” in Moscow

28 August 2012

From August 28 till October 7, 2012 in the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts (Moscow) is open an exhibition “Great Russian victories in medal and engraving”.

This exhibition from the cycle of projects, dedicated to the anniversaries of military successes of Russia, is timed to the 200th anniversary of victory of Russian Army in the War of 1812.

The exposition focuses on medals and engravings which were created as a reflection of the grand historical events of the late XVIII – early XIX centuries as well as exhibits related to the participants of military events of those years and memorials made by successive generations. Totally, the exhibition features more than 350 Russian and French medals, awards, coins as well as 40 engravings. Most subjects are featured for the first time.

In addition to the exhibits, created in the first half of the XIX century, the exhibition features medals, coins and badges, made for anniversaries in the XIX and XX centuries.

The rarest items from the collection of the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts related to the historical figures and events of the early XIX century and which are considered to be national relics take the important place at the exhibition.

A special attention at the exhibition is paid to the art of invention – “works” – of French and Russia medals of that time. The French medal art is implemented graphically with numismatic materials which served as examples of creation of Napoleonic medals. 

The history of the Russian medal series, dedicated to the events of 1812 - 1814 years, also presents books, prints and other items. This is, for example, a collection of project medals by A. N. Olenin, engravings by N. I. Utkin from a series of scenes medallions by F. P. Tolstoy, as well as reproduction of a medallion by F. P. Tolstoy with a portrait of Alexander I in the form of the Slavic god of wisdom Rodomyslo.

This current exhibition provides the viewer a unique opportunity to see one of the greatest historical eras in the light of these miniature works of art, as medals, and the connection of monuments of numismatics and graphics in its entirety to feel the drama of Russian and European history of the beginning of the XIX century.