Russian regions: Exhibition “Echoes of the world” dedicated to the celebration of 1150th anniversary of the origin of the Russian statehood in the Novgorod region

10 August 2012

In the Batetsky District Local Museum of the Batetsky village (the Novgorod region) from August 8, 2012 works a traveling exhibition “Echoes of the world”, organized by the State Museum of Art of the Novgorod land under the program “Living tradition”.

The exhibition is a part of the exhibition project “Back to basics” under the auspices of the 1150th anniversary of the origin of the Russian statehood.

“Echoes of the world” is an exhibition bringing together works done in one of the most popular genres of fine art – the landscape. To the audience is represented a wide range of products - a painting, drawing and photography. The exhibition presents works by young artists as well as already well-known authors.

The exhibition runs till August 28, 2012.