Internet and society: 628 millions of web sites run in the Internet

4 August 2012

The analytical company Netcraft has published the data on the number of working web sites and personal blogs in the Internet as of August 1 this year. According to Netcraft, in the beginning of the month in the net worked 628 170 204 of web sites, that is 38 million less than a month earlier. It is said in the company that a significant negative trend is due to the fact that the Netcraft has specified criteria for accounting Netcraft web sites.

Besides, from the statistics there were deleted about 40 million sites, located only at 242 private IP-addresses.

All of these "cleansings" had a negative effect, especially in respect of the largest on the market web server Apache, which on the basis of the reporting period, has lost about 36 million of hosts, and its share fell to 59%. This means that while Microsoft, Google and Nginx also lost part of serviced sites (855 000, 1.4 million and 370,000 respectively), they have increased the relative market share.

In part of the million of the traffic generating sites, Apache increased its share to 15 000 sites, bringing its share to 60%, Microsoft, Nginx and Google lowered the base serviced by 4, 10, and 2000 of units respectively.