World history: A high sculpture of Hittite king found in the east of Turkey

3 August 2012

Almost untouched by time the sculpture was found in the eastern Turkey in the province of Hatay by international archaeological expedition led by Professor Timothy Harrison of the University of Toronto.

It is assumed that the high Hittite sculpture of grey basalt depicts Sappilulima - the mighty lord of the once mighty Empire in Asia Minor. At that time he secured his rule over a vast territory, covering territories of modern Turkey and Syria.

The Hittite king, weighing, by the way, one and a half tons, holds in one hand the ear, and in another - a spear. These two characters mean both the militancy of the monarch-the conqueror, as well as the peaceful labor of his servants. The figure is clearly made by a skillful stone dresser, and impresses with its massiveness and elegance of design.