Internet and society: 80 million of people in Russia will use Internet by 2014

1 August 2012
Source: RIA Novosti

The number of Internet users by 2014 may reach 80 million of people, leaving far behind in the pace of computerization all other BRIC countries – China, India and Brazil, said the New York head of consulting company Booz&Co in CIS countries Steffen Lyaystner.

“We have a very positive outlook on the development of digital technologies in Russia. According to the number of Internet users Russia already ranks the first place in Europe. We can expect that by 2014 the Internet access will get about 80 million of people against the present 60 million”, said S. Lyaystner.

That means that in 2014 the permanent Internet access will get 71% of the adult population of Russia.

Among the reasons of the rapid “Internetization” of Russia the expert named the highest level of education, inherited from the Soviet Union, - 39% of Russians aged 25-39 years old have a University degree, relatively low unemployment rate of 6% and the improvement of demographic situation in recent years.

“As the pace of computerization Russia takes unique positions in the world”, noted S. Lyaystner.