History of Russia and museums: The State Hermitage celebrates the 200th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812
August 1, 2012 in the St. George’s Hall of the Winter Palace (Saint-Petersburg) in honor of the first significant victory of the Russian army over Napoleon’s army will be presented the painting of Peter Hesse “Battle of Klyastitsy”. The solemn carrying of historical banners of the Russian army of 1812 will be held.
July 30 – August 1812, the Battle of Klyastitsy, which has a special historical significance for Saint-Petersburg and Russia, was held. There was the first victory of the Russian army over Napoleon’s troops which actually changed the course of events of the Patriotic War of 1812. Russian army blocked the enemy’s way, bursting to Saint-Petersburg, and it retained the status of the capital of the Russian Empire. August 1, 2012 at the day of the victory at the Battle of Klyastitsy, Saint-Petersburg opens the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812 celebrating heroes of this legendary battle.