Libraries of Russia: The oldest library of Bratsk is preparing to celebrate the 100th anniversary

1 August 2012

The oldest library № 2 of Bratsk city is preparing to celebrate the centenary. Today, its funds include more than three hundred of rare books. The total number of the literature is nearly five thousand copies, including the unique books of the XIX century.

One of the most valuable ones is a psalm book with a wooden cover, worn sheets and the text written in Cyrillic. This book has been removed from Bratsk the Cautious. In the year 1914 the library started its work as the reading huts, and in the 75th it moved to the current building. Now it is renovated, thanks to which not only the façade will change, but two new departments will also appear. At the requests of readers, the library funds are replenished with new books - there are more than six hundred of books from the beginning of the year. Also for the convenience of a literature search it is planned to create an electronic catalog of the library system of Bratsk and to open information area in the reading room with the Internet access.