Memory of Russia: “Storm of 1812” from the collection of the Military Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineers and Signal Corps of Saint-Petersburg in Kaliningrad

30 September 2012

September 26, 2012 in Kaliningrad Regional History and Art Museum has opened a large-scale exhibition "Storm of 1812" (from the collection of the Military Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineers and Signal Corps in St. Petersburg).

In the Military Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineers and Signal Corps is kept one of Russia's largest collection of monuments and relics of war tales related to the events of the Patriotic War of 1812 and foreign campaigns of 1813 and 1814. Among them are genuine firearms and cold steel of the time, uniforms and battle flags of the Russian and French armies, medals, artillery systems, models of guns and more. Magnificent battle scenes, graphics and drawings by famous artists of XIX - early XX centuries tell of the exploits of Russian soldiers in the wars against Napoleonic France. Thanks to several generations of museum workers are saved priceless artifacts of the era.

The exhibition in the Kaliningrad Regional Historical and Art Museum shows a part of this unique collection. The exhibition also presents examples of Russian artillery guns since the War of 1812, and the model of Russian and French guns, made in the first half of XIX century.
Visitors can see the portraits of Russian generals, paintings and engraved images and maps of the major battles of the patriotic War of 1812. Big interest is paid to lithography with images of Russian soldiers and their exploits.

The exposition also features uniforms, equipment and weapons in Napoleon's army and its allies (the officers and soldiers’ sabers (broadsword), rifles, pistols and blunderbusses, artillery models). Here are - the portraits of French generals, led by the Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte. Visitors will be interested in Russian cartoons since the patriotic War of 1812. Among relic exhibits can be identified belonged to the Emperor Napoleon pad (folder for papers).

An undoubted dominant of the exposition from the Northern Capital is remarkable monumental canvases of famous Russian battle painters A. I. Sauerweid "Battle of Leipzig" and B. P. Villevalde "Battle of Paris" and the film "Life-Guards Horse Regiment in the German city in 1814".

The exhibition runs till April 10, 2013.