History of Russia: International Scientific Conference “From ancient Rus’ to the Russian Federation: history of the Russian statehood” in Moscow

29 September 2012

The Lomonosov Moscow State University together with the Department of History and Philology of the RAS hold on 28-29 September 2012 the International Scientific Conference "From ancient Rus’ to the Russian Federation: the history of the Russian statehood".

The conference will bring together specialists in the field of humanities in Russia, the CIS and other foreign countries, representatives of the federal government and public organizations.

The conference is aimed to promote a scientific understanding of the historical path of Russia, drawing public attention to the Russian history and the role of Russia in the world of the historical process and the further strengthening of the Russian statehood.

Plenary and section sessions are passed on the topics:

1. The origins and stages of development of the Russian statehood.

2. The Russian Empire.

3. The historical experience of the Soviet Union.

4. The modern Russian statehood.

5. The Russian state in the international system.

6. The Russian spiritual heritage and modernity.