President of Russia: Vladimir Putin believes that demands of mass media, Internet and advertisement should be a major focus of public and legislators

13 September 2012
Source: TASS Telecom

Russian President Vladimir Putin said that he opposed the ideological censorship, but believed that the demands of the media, the Internet and advertising should be a major focus of both the public and legislators.

"In today's world, children learn not only at school. On what they see, hear what they read, depends the moral and ethical climate in society. I believe that the reasonable requirements for advertisement, to the media, to online content, to networks distributing printed materials and video should be the focus of serious attention of the public and legislators," Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with public representatives on the moral and patriotic education of youth, held in Krasnodar.

However, the president stressed that "he has always been against any form of ideological censorship," which kills creativity.

"The point is: we should have clear rules and responsibilities, as well as define the priorities and principles of cultural policy," he said.

As explained Vladimir Putin, the state must clearly define what kind of social, artistic, cultural projects it will support.