World libraries: International Congress “National Library as the cultural phenomenon” to the 90th anniversary of the National Library of Belarus in Minsk

5 September 2012

September 5-7, 2012 the International Congress “National Library as the cultural phenomenon” timed to the 90th anniversary of the National Library of Belarus is held in Minsk (Belarus).

At the plenary session and the sessions of the Congress are discussed the following topics:

- National libraries in the system of libraries in the world: forms and directions of interaction.

- The National Library as a cultural and information center of modern society.

- The global information infrastructure and library cooperation.

- The role and the place of libraries in the information society: the humanistic and technocratic forecasts.

- International law as an instrument of regulation the library and information activity.

- The role of libraries in the preservation of cultural heritage.

- Formation of corporate information resources: the mechanisms of professional coordination, cooperation and integration.

- Open access to scientific information as a factor in the innovative development of the State.

- Management of library activity in the information society.

- Human resources as a basis for the progressive development of libraries.

- Joseph Bentsianovich Simanovsky: the man – the era.

In the framework of the Congress are also held:

- UNESCO Regional Consultation on open access to scientific information and research.

- XIV General Meeting of Nonprofit Partnership "The Eurasian Library Assembly";

- VIII International Bibliological readings "Historical book collections in time and space".

- International round table on "Preservation of historical book collections of Belarus".