Book publishing and book distribution: The 25th Moscow International Book Fair is open
The 25th Moscow International Book Fair (MIBF) is the largest Russian Book Forum on the International scale – it is taken place from September 5-10, 2012 at the All-Russian Exhibition Center in Moscow.
The honorary guest of the 25th MIBF is France, the central exhibitor of the forum – Republic of Armenia. In the framework of the exhibition an extensive International program is scheduled.
By tradition, bibliophiles celebrate remarkable dates and anniversaries at the Book Fair.
The central theme of the forum is the year of Russian history: its remarkable dates will be reflected in special expositions, dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of the Russian statehood; the 200th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812 and the Battle of Borodino; the 150th anniversary of the outstanding Russian statesman P. A. Stolypin. The jubilee section that is prepared by Rospechat, is built in such a way that the exhibition will be complemented by round tables «The Patriotic War of 1812 in the Russian book publishing. History and the Modernity", "The Book as an instrument to falsify history", "Poets of the Pushkin's era of the patriotic War of 1812", a cycle of presentations "Year of the Russian history". As part of the show it will be featured a book collection and an exhibition of illustrations "Russia, Napoleon, and the year 1812" as well as the Vernissage of works of young artists under the slogan "No wonder ... the whole Russia remembers..."
To the 200th anniversary of Great Russian writer Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov will be dedicated the round table, which will be attended by prominent critics, literary critics, linguists, heads of RSLFL of M. I. Rudomino and the Russian State Archive of literature and Art. Personnel of the RSALA will present editions, the output of which is timed to the jubilee of the classic writer.
It is celebrated 100 years since the birth of Lev Nikolaevich Gumilev – a prominent geographer, historian and philosopher: the publishing house “Iris-press” will hold a special “Day of Gumilev”, dedicated to this significant date.
The exposition of the Fund of Aviation Assistance “Russian Knights” will be dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Russian Air Force “Russian Knights”.
About "Life of remarkable people" of Russia and the whole world is told in the legendary book series coming out in one of the oldest domestic publishing houses "Young Guard": during the exhibition working days the publishing house and its team will be celebrating the glorious jubilee - 90 years.
The "Biblio-Globus" - one of the largest book stores of the country will accept greetings of it 55th anniversary from the Russian literary world.
35 years ago it was given the start of the Moscow International Book Fairs under the slogan "The book is at the service of peace and progress".
New opportunities in the libraries will be discussed at the conference of the Russian Library Association (RLA), the magazine "University Book", the company "Omega-L" and "Grand-Fair", "School of Selector. Is the reform of public order at the finish line?" as well as a series of seminars on the study and effective use of modern electronic library systems, implementing them in libraries and education.
Numerous activities at the "digital platform" of the 25 MIBF - "KnigaBayt" – will reflect a wide range of topics for professional discussions. The first conference will provide such an opportunity "Copyright and intellectual property". Security of holders of content and availability of electronic resources, combating piracy network and legislative initiatives in this area will be discussed by representatives of the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Communications of Russia, CSW, the RBA, the Association of Internet publishers and many other organizations and companies.
The Russian State Library, magazines "Library" and "Book Industry" will invite experts to examine the interpenetration of classical and digital formats, new kinds and types of electronic publishing products during intellectual briefing presentation "The Book in the space of media culture".
Moscow International Book Fair – is a time-tested form of dating, recognition, immersion in the culture and literature of the peoples of other countries and their own homeland.